  • Barcelona World Race : The final 500

    Jean Le Cam and Bernard Stamm on board Cheminées Poujoulat have become the first team to return to the Mediterranean in the Barcelona World Race, crossing the longitude of Gibraltar this morning at 08.30 (UTC). The leaders kept a course close to the North African shore, before a rapid transit through the Straits in a 20-knot southerly.

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  • VG2020 : expected arrivals and a new start

    While Jérémie Beyou and Romain Attanasio are due to cross the finish line tomorrow, Isabelle Joschke (out of the race) left the port of Salvador de Bahia to reach Les Sables d’Olonne. In the rest of the fleet, a match between six skippers, who rounded the high pressure, promises to be particularly breathless. After 89 days at sea, the voyage up the Atlantic has not finished revealing all its secrets.

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